
Filming is free. Payment is secured through sales of the performance either as DVD’s, Blu-ray discs or Digital files distributed on usb memory stick drive pens. The standard unit price is £24.50.

Filming is conducted on the understanding that DVUK has all rights to potential sales of the film or films it produces until the minimum period and sales have been met. Footage is stored securely with DVUK and owned equally with it’s client. Once sales have concluded and the minimum period DVUK hold no restrictions on how our client wishes to use its footage.

Standard prices are based upon the time necessary to film, edit and produce your show and can be seen as set fees. If you know your school will easily exceed the minimum sales you may decide the set fee is better for you.

Most schools tend to leave the selling to us and use the price chart to select their unit sales price. This is estimated by potential sales against the length of the performance.

For example, if your show is made up of two acts lasting approximately 45 minutes each, your show runtime is 90 minutes and you will need to secure 40 sales at £24.50.


Show Length 25 30 40 50 60 set fee
60mins £24.50 £20.50 £15.50 NA NA £612.50
75mins NA £24.50 £21.00 £15.50 NA £735.00
90mins NA NA £24.50 £23.00 NA £980.00
120mins NA NA NA £24.50 NA £1,225.00
150mins NA NA NA NA £24.50 £1,470.00

Alternatively steer all purchases to DVUK website where they will be able to make purchases and/or find more information. Please be aware that individual orders will need to add postage and packaging currently at £2.05 making a single DVD purchase £26.55.

If you want to manage sales yourself you can offer bulk ordering for physical copies such as DVD, Blu-ray and/or usb. This was how we used to do DVD’s and the advantage was it included free post for a bulk order. You could get one of your parents to manage a bulk order if they want to save on post as you get one free bulk order.

Additional Requirements

Some schools will put on two shows in a day and require both filmed. Perhaps their are different performers in some of the numbers. Just let us know.

Or you may have a presentation or awards planned at the end. Just add the expected time to your overall show length.